Past Publications
Blanas, S., Seric, A. & Viegelahn, C. (2019). Job Quality, FDI and Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Firm-Level Data. European Journal of Development Research, 31(5): 1287--1317
Amato, S. In Lattanzi, N. (2019) Il family office. Scenari e nuove frontiere per la gestione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio-azienda familiare. Editions Lefebvre Sarrut; Milano.
Lattanzi, N. (2019) La Cina e già vicina. Contenuti, prospettive, problemi dalla Via della Seta in Italia. Nuova Antologia, Vol. 620 – Fasc. 229.
Belmonte A., Rochlitz M. (2019) The Political Economy of Collective Memories: Evidence from Russian Politics. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 168: 229-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.10.009
G. Aletti - I. Crimaldi - A. Ghiglietti (2019) “Networks of reinforced stochastic processes: asymptotics for the empirical means”. Bernoulli, 25(4B), 3339-3378.
Bacigalupo, A., Gnecco, G., Lepidi, M., Gambarotta, L. (2019) Machine-learning techniques for the optimal design of acoustic metamaterials. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-019-01614-8.
Bacigalupo, A., De Bellis, M. L., Gnecco, G. (2019) Complex frequency band structure of periodic thermo-diffusive materials by Floquet-Bloch theory. Acta Mechanica, 230, pp. 3339-3363.
Bacigalupo, A., Lepidi, M., Gnecco, G., Vadalà, F., Gambarotta, L. (2019). Optimal design of the band structure for beam lattice metamaterials. Frontiers in Materials, 6, 14 pages.
Bargagli Stoffi, F. J. and Gnecco, G. (2019) Causal Tree with Instrumental Variable: An Extension of the Causal Tree Framework to Irregular Assignment Mechanisms. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 9, pp. 315-337.
C. Becatti, I. Crimaldi, F. Saracco. “Keywords dynamics in online social networks: a case-study from Twitter”. Atti della Riunione scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS) “Smart Statistics for Smart Applications”, giugno 2019, Milano, pp. 63-70, PEARSON, isbn 9788891915108.
C. Becatti, I. Crimaldi, F. Saracco (2019) “Collaboration and followership: a stochastic model for activities in bipartite social networks”, PLoS One, 14(10), e0223768, 24 pagine + supporting information.
M Belloc, E Bilancini, L Boncinelli, S D’Alessandro (2019). Intuition and Deliberation in the Stag Hunt Game. Scientific Reports, 9, 14833
Belmonte A. (2019) Selection after Terror: Evidence from 30 Years of Terrorism in South Tyrol. Economics Letters, Vol. 179: 62-65. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2019.03.023
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli, A Mattiassi (2019) Assessing Actual Strategic Behavior to Construct a Measure of Strategic Ability. Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2750
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2019) Wage inequality, labor income taxes, and the notion of social status. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 13 (2019-32), 1-35
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli, L Luigi (2019) Behavioral Evidence on How Cognition Affects Focality in Pure Coordination Games. International Journal of Psychophysiology 131, S22
Canidio A, Thomas G (2019) Rewarding Idleness. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21 (3): 433-459
Canidio A. (2019) The Allocation of Scientific Talent. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121 (4): 1647-1672
Cinat, P., Paggi, M., Gnecco, G. (2019) Identification of roughness with optimal contact response with respect to real contact area and normal stiffness. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 11 pages, 2019.
I. Crimaldi, P. Dai Pra, P-Y. Louis, I. G. Minelli (2019)“Synchronization and functional central limit theorems for interacting reinforced random walks”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129(1), 70-101.
Frassi, B., Gnecco, G., Pammolli, F., Wen, X. (2019) Intragenerational Redistribution in a Funded Pension System. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 18, pp. 271-303.
Gnecco, G. (2019) An algorithm for curve identification in the presence of curve intersections. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 7 pages.
Gnecco, G. (2019) Gli Assetti di Governance: La Formula Imprenditoriale e l’Identità Strategica. “Il Family Office: Scenari e Nuove Frontiere per la Gestione e la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio-azienda Famiglia” (N. Lattanzi, editor), pp. 275-295 (in Italian).
Gnecco, G., Hadas, Y., and Sanguineti, M. (2019) Some Properties of Transportation Network Cooperative Games. Networks, 74, pp. 161-173.
Gnecco, G. and Nutarelli, F. (2019) Optimal Trade-off between Sample Size and Precision of Supervision for the Fixed Effects Panel Data Model. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization & Data science (LOD 2019), Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy. In “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, 11943, pp. 531-542.
Gnecco, G. and Nutarelli, F. (2019) On the Trade-off between Number of Examples and Precision of Supervision in Machine Learning Problems. Optimization Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-019-01486-x.
Gnecco, G. and Nutarelli, F. (2019) On the Trade-off Between Number of Examples and Precision of Supervision in Regression. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the International Neural Network Society on Big Data and Deep Learning (INNS BDDL 2019), pp. 1-6, Sestri Levante, Italy.
Lattanzi, N. (2019) Il family office. Scenari e nuove frontiere per l a gestione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio azienda familiare , Milano, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre.
Leombruni R, Razzolini T, Serti F. (2019) Macroeconomic Conditions at Entry and Injury Risk at the Workplace. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Morescalchi A., van Veldhuizen S., Voogt B., Vogt B. (2019) Negative Home Equity and Job Mobility. In: Crato N., Paruolo P. (eds) Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation. Springer, Cham
Antonio Navas, Francesco Serti and Chiara Tomasi (2019) “The role of gravity forces on firms’ trade”. Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Carungu, J., & Patuelli, A. (2019) La ricerca accademica in ambito ragioneristico: tendenze a confronto. Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale, 200-2013
Patuelli, A. (2019) Patrimonio aziendale e ricchezza familiare, in Il Family Office. Scenari e nuove frontiere per la gestione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio-azienda familiare, Lattanzi, L. (a cura di), Giuffrè, ISBN: 9788828803140
Patricelli Malizia, A., Patuelli, A. (2019) L’innovazione Fintech: cambiamenti e implicazioni operative, in Il Family Office. Scenari e nuove frontiere per la gestione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio-azienda familiare, Lattanzi, L. (a cura di), Giuffrè, ISBN: 9788828803140
Rungi, A., Biancalani, F. (2019) Heterogeneous Firms and the North–South Divide in Italy. Italian Economic Journal, 5: 325–347.
Blanas , S. and Seric, A. (2018). Determinants of Intra‐Firm Trade: Evidence from Foreign Affiliates in Sub‐Saharan Africa,
Review of International Economics, 26(4):917–956
A. Conte, M. V. Levati, and C. Nardi. Risk Preferences and the Role of Emotions, Economica, 2018, 85(338), 305-328
C. Nardi. Play versus Strategy Method: Behavior and the Role of Emotions in the Ultimatum Game, Italian Economic Journal, 2018, 4(1), 91-106.
W. Güth, M. V. Levati, C. Nardi, and I. Soraperra. An ultimatum game with multidimensional response strategies, Review of Behavioral Economics, 2016, 3(3-4), 281-310
Belmonte A., Dell'Anno R. and Teobaldelli D., Tax Morale, Aversion to Ethnic Diversity, and Decentralization, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 55: 204-223 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2017.12.004
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2018). Signaling to analogical reasoners who can acquire costly information. Games and Economic Behavior 110, 50-57
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2018). Signaling with costly acquisition of signals. Journal of economic behavior & organization 145, 141-150
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli, J Wu (2018) The interplay of cultural intolerance and action-assortativity for the emergence of cooperation and homophily. European Economic Review 102, 1-18
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2018) Rational attitude change by reference cues when information elaboration requires effort. Journal of Economic Psychology 65, 90-107
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2018) Social coordination with locally observable types. Economic Theory 65 (4), 975-1009
Canidio, A. (2018) The Technological Determinants of Long-Run Inequality. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 20 (2): 156–176.
Sebastio, S., Gnecco, G. (2018). A Green Policy to Schedule Tasks in a Distributed Cloud. Optimization Letters, 12, pp. 1535-1551.
Gnecco, G. (2018) Symmetric and Antisymmetric Properties of of Solutions to Kernel-based Machine Learning Problems. Neurocomputing, 306, pp. 141-159.
El Ouardighi, F., Kogan, K., Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2018) Commitment-Based Equilibrium Environmental Strategies Under Time-Dependent Absorption Efficiency. Group Decision and Negotiation, 27(2), pp. 235-249.
Gnecco, G. and Sanguineti, M.(2018) Neural Approximations in Discounted Infinite-Horizon Stochastic Optimal Control Problems. Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, 72, pp. 294-302.
Bargagli Stoffi, F. J. and Gnecco, G. (2018) Estimating Heterogeneous Causal Effects in the Presence of Irregular Assignment Mechanisms. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA 2018), pp. 1-10, Turin, Italy
El Ouardighi, F., Kogan, K., Gnecco, G. and Sanguineti, M. (2018) Transboundary Pollution Control and Environmental Absorption Efficiency Management. Annals of Operations Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-018-2927-7
Gnecco, G., Tuncay, B., Pammolli, F. (2018) A Comparison of Game-Theoretic Models for Parallel Trade. International Game Theory Review, 20(3), article ID, 1850003, 57 pages.
Patuelli, A. (2018) Le ferrovie italiane verso la piena aziendalizzazione (pp. 1-154). Giappichelli. ISBN 9788892118706
Patuelli, A., Donato, F. (2018) Developing local cultural networks: the case of Dante 2021 in Ravenna, Encatc Journal Of Cultural Management & Policy, 8, 1, ISSN 2224-2554.
Del Bene, L., Patuelli, A., Zarone, V.
Dinamiche organizzative nelle unioni dei comuni: un’indagine sulle caratteristiche di alcuni enti del centro Italia, in Tendenze nuove negli studi economico-aziendali. L'evoluzione dei rapporti azienda-società, Schillaci C. E. (a cura di), Bologna, Il Mulino.
Rungi, A. and Del Prete, D. (2018) The smile curve at the firm level: Where value is added along supply chains. Economics Letters, Volume 164, pp. 38-42
Zacchia, P. (2018) Benefiting Colleagues but not the City: Localized Effects from the Relocation of Superstar Inventors. Research Policy, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 992-1005, DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.03.004
Charlie Brummitt, Kenan Huremovic, Paolo Pin, Matthew H. Bonds, and Fernando Vega-Redondo, Contagious Disruptions and Complexity Traps in Economic Development (2017). Nature Human Behavior
Falorni, V., Amato, S. Azienda e famiglia. In Lattanzi, N., Le aziende familiari. Generazioni, Società, Mercato, Giappichelli, Torino.
Amato. S. Governance e ricambio generazionale. In Lattanzi, N., Le aziende familiari. Generazioni, Società, Mercato, Giappichelli, Torino.
Galli, G., Sirota, M., Materassi, M., Zaninotto, F., & Terry, P. Brain indices of disagreement with one’s social values predict EU referendum voting behavior. (2017) Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 12(11), pp. 1758-1765.
Aletti, G. and Crimaldi, I. and Ghiglietti, A. Synchronization of Reinforced Stochastic Processes with a Network-based Interaction. The Annals of Applied Probability, 27 (6). pp. 3787-3844. ISSN 1050-5164 (2017)
Burlando. A. and Canidio, A. Does Group Inclusion Hurt Financial Inclusion? Evidence from Ultra-Poor Members of Ugandan Savings Groups. (2017) Journal of Development Economics, 128. pp 24-48.
Crimaldi, I. and Del Vicario, M. and Morrison, G. and Quattrociocchi, W. and Riccaboni, M. Modeling networks with a growing feature-structure. Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. ISSN 1340-9050 (In Press) (2017)
Del Prete, D., Giovannetti G. and Marvasi E. Global value chains participation and productivity gains for North African firms
(2017). Review of World Economics, 153: 675.
Del Prete, D., Giovannetti G. and Marvasi E. (2017) Global value chains: New evidence for North Africa. International Economics, doi: 10.1016/j.inteco.2017.03.002
Del Prete, D. and Rungi, A. (2017) Organizing the Global Value Chain: A firm-level test. Journal of International Economics, 109. pp. 16-30.
Morrison, G. and Buldyrev, S. V. and Imbruno, M. and Doria Arrieta, O. A. and Rungi, A. and Riccaboni, M. and Pammolli, F. (2017). On Economic Complexity and the Fitness of Nations. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). pp. 1-11.
Bee, M., Riccaboni, M., Schiavo, S. (2017) Where Gibrat meets Zipf: Scale and scope of French firms. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 481, pp. 265-275.
Bee, M., Riccaboni, M., Trapin, L. (2017) An extreme value analysis of the last century crises across industries in the U.S. economy. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 81, pp. 65-78.
Morrison, G., Riccaboni, M., Pammolli, F. (2017) Disambiguation of patent inventors and assignees using high-resolution geolocation data. Scientific Data, 4, art. no. 170064
Hadas, Y., Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2017) An approach to transportation network analysis via transferable utility games. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 105, pp. 120-143.
Gnecco, G. (2017) Symmetry and antisymmetry properties of optimal solutions to regression problems. Optimization Letters, 11 (7), pp. 1427-1442.
Boero, L., Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Patrone, F., Sanguineti, M. (2017) A theoretical analysis of buffer occupancy for Intermittently-Connected Networks. Performance Evaluation, 115, pp. 108-131.
Gnecco, G., Bemporad, A., Gori, M., Sanguineti, M. (2017) LQG online learning. Neural Computation, 29 (8), pp. 2203-2291.
Gnecco, G., Morisi, R., Roth, G., Sanguineti, M., Taramasso, A.C.(2017). Supervised and semi-supervised classifiers for the detection of flood-prone areas. Soft Computing, 21 (13), pp. 3673-3685.
Sebastio, S., Gnecco, G., Bemporad, A. (2017) Optimal distributed task scheduling in volunteer clouds. Computers and Operations Research, 81, pp. 231-246.
Bacigalupo, A., Gnecco, G., Lepidi, M., Gambarotta, L. (2017) Optimal design of low-frequency band gaps in anti-tetrachiral lattice meta-materials. Composites Part B: Engineering, 115, pp. 341-359.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G., Gaber, M.M. (2017) A SOM-based Chan-Vese model for unsupervised image segmentation. Soft Computing, 21 (8), pp. 2047-2067.
Lattanzi, N. (2017) Le aziende familiari. Generazioni Società Mercato, Torino Giappichelli
Patuelli, A. (2017) Exploring Cultural Ecosystems: the case of Dante 2021 in Ravenna, in Congress Proceedings: Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks, Bruxelles: ENCATC, pp. 245-261, ISBN 978-92-990036-7-1
Patuelli, A. (2017) British Rail privatisation: recent trends, Pisa, Pisa University Press, ISBN 978-886741-8196
Patuelli, A. (2017) Le aziende ferroviarie inglesi e italiane tra Ottocento e Novecento: profili di intervento pubblico, Contabilità e Cultura aziendale, 2, 7-42, 2017, ISSN 1721-5242, 2017
Patuelli, A. (2017) Familismo aziendale e mission statement, in Le Aziende Familiari. Generazioni Società Mercato, Lattanzi, L. (a cura di), Torino: Giappichelli, pp. 175-192, ISBN 978-8-9211081-6
Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S. (2016) Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume I , seconda edizione ampliata e riveduta Il bilancio di esercizio. Principi, schemi e criteri di valutazione TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI. pp. 1 251. ISBN 978 88 921 0513 3
Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S. (2016) Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume I , seconda edizione ampliata e riveduta Strumenti manageriali per i l governo economico dell’azienda (Volume II), TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI,pp.1 201. ISBN 978 88 348 6765 5
Anselmi L., Lattanzi N. (2016) Il family business made in Tuscany, Milano, Franco Angeli, pagg. 1 510, ISBN 978 88 917 4412 8
Anselmi L., Lattanzi N. (2016) Commento scientifico e conclusioni del libro a loro cura, pp. 497 504, “Il Family Business Made in Tuscany” Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 510, ISBN 978 88 917 4412 8
Anselmi, A., Carini, C., Nicoliello, M., Patuelli, A., Valenza, G., Zarone, V. (2016) Le banche territoriali nell’ottocento. Un’indagine esplorativa su ruolo, finalità e aspetti economico-aziendali di alcune banche a forte vocazione locale, in Atti del Convegno Storie di banche e di istituzioni finanziarie in una prospettiva economico-aziendale, 2016, Mantova, 24-25 novembre 2016, XIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Storia della Ragioneria, RIREA, ISBN 9788866590927
Bacigalupo, A., Lepidi, M., Gnecco, G., Gambarotta, L. (2016) Optimal design of auxetic hexachiral metamaterials with local resonators. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (5), art. no. 054009. Cited 10 times.
Bacigalupo, A., Gnecco, G., Lepidi, M., Gambarotta, L. (2016) Design of acoustic metamaterials through nonlinear programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10122 LNCS, pp. 170-181. Cited 2 times.
E. Bilancini, and L. Boncinelli (2016) Dynamic adverse selection and the supply size. European Economic Review 83, 233-242
E. Bilancini, and L. Boncinelli (2016) Strict Nash equilibria in non-atomic games with strict single crossing in players (or types) and actions. Economic Theory Bulletin 4 (1), 95-109
S Bartolini, E. Bilancini, and F Sarracino (2016) Social Capital Predicts Happiness Over Time. Policies for Happiness, Editors: S Bartolini, E Bilancini, L Bruni, and PL Porta
S Bartolini, E Bilancini, L Bruni, and PL Porta editors (2016) Policies for happiness. Oxford University Press
Boldi, P. and Crimaldi, I. and Monti, C. A (2016) Network Model characterized by a Latent Attribute Structure with Competition. Information Sciences, 354. pp. 236-256. ISSN 0020-0255.
Bonollo, M. and Crimaldi, I. and Flori, A. and Gianfagna, L. and Pammolli, F. (2016) Assessing financial distress dependencies in OTC markets: a new approach using trade repositories data. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 30 (4). pp. 397-426. ISSN 1934-4554
Burlando. A. and Canidio, A. (2016) The Allocation of Capital in Rural Credit Markets. Journal of International Development, 28 (8), pp. 1381-1395.
Chessa, A., Flori, A., Pammolli, F., Pappalardo, G., Puliga, M. (2016) The Accounting Network: how financial institutions react to systemic crisis. PloS One, 11(10)
Chiou, J.-Y., Magazzini, L., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2016) Learning from successes and failures in pharmaceutical R&D. Journal of International Development, 28 (8). pp. 1381-1395 .
Crimaldi, I. and Dai Pra, P. and Minelli, I. G. (2016) Fluctuation Theorems for Synchronization of Interacting Polya's urns. Stochastic processes and their applications, 126 (3). pp. 930-947. ISSN 0304-4149
De Angelis, E., Metulini, R., Bove, V., Riccaboni, M. (2016) Virtual water trade and bilateral conflicts. Advances in Water Resources. Article in Press.
Lattanzi N., Menicagli D., Dal Maso L. (2016) Neuroscience Evidences for Economic Humanism in Management Science: Organizational Implications And Strategy, Archivies Italiennes de Biolog ie A Journal of Neuroscience, volume 154 , Issue 1 , pagg. 25-36
Lazzini, A., Patuelli, A. (2016) Competitività e innovazione nella piccola e media impresa a conduzione familiare, in Il Family Business Made in Tuscany (N. Lattanzi editor). Milano: Franco Angeli, 2016, pp. 322-343, ISBN: 9788891744128
Lazzini, S., Patuelli, A. (2016) Orientamento strategico di fondo e formula imprenditoriale nell’azienda familiare” in Il Family Business Made in Tuscany (N. Lattanzi editor), Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 270-284, ISBN: 9788891744128
Magazzini, L., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2016) Real Options and Incremental Search in Pharmaceutical R&D Project Portfolio Management. Creativity and Innovation Management, 25 (2), pp. 292-302.
Metulini, R., Tamea, S., Laio, F., Riccaboni, M. (2016) The Water Suitcase of Migrants: Assessing Virtual Water Fluxes Associated to Human Migration. PloS one, 11 (4), p. e0153982.
Sartori, M., Schiavo, S., Fracasso, A., Riccaboni, M. (2016) Modeling the future evolution of the virtual water trade network: A combination of network and gravity models. Advances in Water Resources. Article in Press.
Morisi, R., Gnecco, G., Bemporad, A. (2016) A hierarchical consensus method for the approximation of the consensus state, based on clustering and spectral graph theory. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 56, pp. 157-174.
Dardard, F., Gnecco, G., Glowinski, D. (2016) Automatic classification of leading interactions in a string quartet. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 6 (1), art. no. 2818739. Cited 1 time.
Gnecco, G. (2016) On the Curse of Dimensionality in the Ritz Method. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 168 (2), pp. 488-509. Cited 2 times.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2016) Learning with hard constraints as a limit case of learning with soft constraints. ESANN 2016 - 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 35-40. Cited 1 time.
Patuelli, A. (2016) L’Autorità di regolazione dei trasporti in Italia: primi effetti nel trasporto ferroviario passeggeri, in Il governo aziendale tra tradizione e innovazione, Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 47-59, ISBN: 9788891736604
Patuelli, A., Carungu, J. (2016) Accounting research trends during the last 20 years: evidence from Italy. Contabilità e cultura aziendale, 2, 65-85, ISSN 1721-5242, ISSNe 2283-7337
G. Rota, S. Palumbo, N. Lattanzi, A. Manfrinati, M. Sarlo, L. Lotto, P. Pietrini, R. Rumiati, S.Pellegrini (2016) Harm aversion explains utilitarian choices in moral decision making in males but not in females. Archivies Italiennes de Biologie A journal of Neuroscience, vol. 154: 50 58, DOI 10.12871/00039829201622, ISSN 0039 9829. Current Impact Factor: 1.422
T. Addabbo, and E. Bilancini (2015) Is unpaid work conducive of well-being? The case of within-household unpaid work in the Modena District. International Journal of Happiness and Development 2 (3), 285-301
Bassetti T., Dal Maso L., and Lattanzi N. (2015) Family Businesses in Eastern European Countries: How Informal Payments affect Exports. Journal of Family Business Strategy
Berti, P. and Crimaldi, I. and Pratelli, L. and Rigo, P. (2015) Central Limit Theorems for an Indian Buffet Model with Random Weights. The Annals of Applied Probability, 25 (2). pp. 523-547. ISSN 1050-5164
Bonollo, M. and Crimaldi, I. and Flori, A. (2015) L’importanza sistemica delle banche: da una prospettiva globale a una locale? (Systemic Importance of Financial Institutions: from a Global to a Local Perspective? A Network Theory Approach). Bancaria, 2-2015. pp. 54-69. ISSN 0005-4623
Bonollo, M., Crimaldi, I., Flori, A., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2015) Systemic risk and banking regulation: Some facts on the new regulatory framework. Corporate Ownership and Control, 12 (2), pp. 52-63.
Canidio, A. (2015) Focusing Effect and the Poverty Trap. European Economic Review, 76. pp 222-238.
Catini, R., Karamshuk, D., Penner, O., Riccaboni, M. (2015) Identifying geographic clusters: A network analytic approach. Research Policy, 44 (9), pp. 1749-1762.
Cerina, F., Zhu, Z., Chessa, A., Riccaboni, M. (2015) World input-output network. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), art. no. e0134025.
Morescalchi, A., Pammolli, F., Penner, O., Petersen, A.M., Riccaboni, M. (2015) The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data. Research Policy, 44 (3), pp. 651-658. Cited 12 times.
Sgrignoli, P., Metulini, R., Schiavo, S., Riccaboni, M. (2015) The relation between global migration and trade networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 417, pp. 245-260.
Sufrauj, S.B., Schiavo, S., Riccaboni, M. (2015) Big hits, export concentration and volatility. Economia Politica, 32 (2), pp. 135-166.
Zhu, Z., Puliga, M., Cerina, F., Chessa, A., Riccaboni, M. (2015) Global value trees. PLoS ONE, 10 (5), art. no. 0126699.
Gnecco, G., Bemporad, A., Gori, M., Morisi, R., Sanguineti, M. (2015) Online learning as an LQG optimal control problem with random matrices. European Control Conference, ECC 2015, art. no. 7330911, pp. 2482-2489. Cited 1 time.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2015) Learning with mixed hard/soft pointwise constraints. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26 (9), art. no. 6949691, pp. 2019-2032. Cited 6 times.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G., Gaber, M.M. (2015) An efficient Self-Organizing Active Contour model for image segmentation. Neurocomputing, 149 (PB), pp. 820-835. Cited 21 times.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G. (2015) Robust local-global SOM-based ACM. Electronics Letters, 51 (2), pp. 142-143. Cited 5 times.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2015) Learning as Constraint Reactions. Artificial Neural Networks - Methods and Applications in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, pp. 245-270. Cited 1 time.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G., Gaber, M.M., Elyan, E. (2015) On the relationship between variational level set-based and SOM-based active contours. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2015, art. no. 109029. Cited 5 times.
Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Sanguineti, M. (2015) Narrowing the Search for Optimal Call-Admission Policies Via a Nonlinear Stochastic Knapsack Model. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 164 (3), pp. 819-841.
Gnecco, G., Morisi, R., Bemporad, A. (2015) Sparse Solutions to the Average Consensus Problem via Various Regularizations of the Fastest Mixing Markov-Chain Problem. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2 (3), art. no. 7268908, pp. 97-111.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2015) Foundations of support constraint machines Neural Computation, 27 (2), pp. 388-480. Cited 11 times.
Glowinski, D., Dardard, F., Gnecco, G., Piana, S., Camurri, A. (2015) Expressive non-verbal interaction in a string quartet: an analysis through head movements. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 9 (1), pp. 55-68. Cited 8 times.
Morisi, R., Gnecco, G., Lanconelli, N., Zanigni, S., Manners, D.N., Testa, C., Evangelisti, S., Gramegna, L.L., Bianchini, C., Cortelli, P., Tonon, C., Lodi, R. (2015) Binary and multi-class parkinsonian disorders classification using support vector machines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9117, pp. 379-386.
Altomonte, C. and Colantone, I. and Rungi, A. and Sonno, T. (2015) Global value networks. In: The age of global value chains : maps and policy issues. . CEPR Press
Agliata F., Lattanzi N. (2014) Continuità economica e crisi aziendale: rischio economico, identità strategica e elementi di giudizio . In: Giovanni Liberatore (a cura di). La valutazione delle azienda in crisi, MILANO UTET ISBN 9788814203503
Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S. (2014) Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume Il bilancio di esercizio. Principi, schemi e criteri di valutazione TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI, 2014. ISBN 978 88 348 5832 5
Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S. (2014) Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume I. Strumenti manageriali per il governo economico dell’azienda. Volume II.. TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI, 2014. ISBN 978 88 348 5833 2
Anselmi L., Lazzini S., Patuelli, A., Zarone, V. (2014) Social Reporting Practices in Italian Public Sector: An Exploratory Study, in Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-6787-273-2.
E. Bilancini, and L. Boncinelli (2014) Instrumental cardinal concerns for social status in two-sided matching with non-transferable utility. European Economic Review 67, 174-189
Chessa, A., Crimaldi, I., Riccaboni, M., Trapin, L. (2014) Cluster analysis of weighted bipartite networks: A new copula-based approach. PLoS ONE, 9 (10), art. no. e109507.
Caldarelli, G., Chessa, A., Pammolli, F., Pompa, G., Puliga, M., Riccaboni, M., Riotta, G. (2014) A multi-level geographical study of italian political elections from twitter data. PLoS ONE, 9 (5), art. no. e95809.
Cerina, F., Chessa, A., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2014) Network communities within and across borders. Scientific Reports, 4, art. no. 4546.
Dal Maso L., Lattanzi N. (2014) Local firms’ strategies and cluster coopetition in Tuscany: The case of “Toscana Promozione” Agency. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 131 141, ISSN: 1727 7051.
Foschi, R., Riccaboni, M., Schiavo, S. (2014) Preferential attachment in multiple trade networks. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 90 (2), art. no. 022817.
Lattanzi, N. (2014) L’analisi per indici del bilancio di esercizio In: Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S., Elementi di bilancio e di management , TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI, pagg. 1 50. ISBN 978 88 348 5833 2
Lattanzi, N. (2014) Ricchezza aziendale e patrimonio intangibile: prospettive di osservazione , strumenti di misura, modelli di rappresentazione e analisi . In: Allegrini M., Giannetti R., Lattanzi N., Lazzini S., Elementi di bilancio e di management , TORINO:GIAPPICHELLI, pagg. 51 79, ISBN 978 88 348 5833 2
Lattanzi, N. (2014) Azienda familiare e scenari competitivi: percorsi strategici, governo e misurazione del valore economico . La pubblicazione è in collaborazione con Centro di Ricerca Competitività Aziende Familiari Cercaf_Lab ROMA:ARACNE, ISBN 978 88 548 76279
Lattanzi, N. (2014) Azienda, conduzione familiare e scenari competitivi. In: N. Lattanzi (a cura di), Azienda familiare e scenari competitivi: percorsi strategici, governo e misurazione del valore economico, ROMA:ARACNE, ISBN 978 88 548 7627 9
Morrison, G., Giovanis, E., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2014) Border sensitive centrality in global patent citation networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 2 (4), pp. 518-536.
Petersen, A.M., Fortunato, S., Pan, R.K., Kaski, K., Penner, O., Rungi, A., Riccaboni, M., Stanley, H.E., Pammolli, F. (2014) Reputation and impact in academic careers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (43), pp. 15316-15321.
Altomonte, C. and Barattieri, A. and Rungi, A. (2014) Import Penetration, Intermediate Inputs and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Firms. Rivista italiana degli economisti, 55 (1). pp. 45-66.
Riccaboni, M., Schiavo, S. (2014) Stochastic trade networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 2 (4), pp. 537-556.
Zhu, Z., Cerina, F., Chessa, A., Caldarelli, G., Riccaboni, M. (2014) The rise of China in the international trade network: A community core detection approach. PLoS ONE, 9 (8), art. no. e105496.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2014) A theoretical framework for supervised learning from regions. Neurocomputing, 129, pp. 25-32.
Gnecco, G. (2014) Approximation and estimation bounds for subsets of reproducing kernel kreǐn Spaces. Neural Processing Letters, 39 (2), pp. 137-153.
Gnecco, G., Glowinski, D., Camurri, A., Sanguineti, M. (2014) On the detection of the level of attention in an orchestra through head movements. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 7 (4), pp. 316-338.
Gaggero, M., Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2014) Suboptimal policies for stochastic N-stage optimization: Accuracy analysis and a case study from optimal consumption. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 198, pp. 27-50.
Gnecco, G., Morisi, R., Bemporad, A. (2014) Sparse solutions to the average consensus problem via l<inf>1</inf>-norm regularization of the fastest mixing Markov-chain problem. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015-February (February), art. no. 7039729, pp. 2228-2233.
Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Sanguineti, M. (2014) Evaluation of the average packet delivery delay in highly-disrupted networks: The DTN and IP-like protocol cases. IEEE Communications Letters, 18 (3), art. no. 6784561, pp. 519-522. Cited 8 times.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G., Gaber, M.M. (2014) A Survey of SOM-Based Active Contour Models for Image Segmentation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 295, pp. 293-302. Cited 6 times.
Gaggero, M., Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2014) Approximate dynamic programming for stochastic N-stage optimization with application to optimal consumption under uncertainty. Computational Optimization and Applications, 58 (1), pp. 31-85. Cited 8 times.
Abdelsamea, M.M., Gnecco, G., Gaber, M.M. (2014) A Concurrent SOM-Based Chan-Vese Model for Image Segmentation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 295, pp. 199-208. Cited 7 times.
Belmonte A., Di Clemente R., Buldyrev S. (2014) The Italian Primary School-Size Distribution and the City-Size: A Complex Nexus. Nature Scientific Report, 5301.
Serti, F., C. Tomasi (2014) Export and import market-specific characteristics How they drive the decision to trade and how much. Empirical Economics, vol. 47, p. 1467-1496.
S Bartolini, E Bilancini, M Pugno (2013) Did the decline in social connections depress Americans’ happiness? Social Indicators Research 110 (3), 1033-1059
S Bartolini, E Bilancini, and F Sarracino (2013) Predicting the trend of well-being in Germany: How much do comparisons, adaptation and sociability matter? Social Indicators Research 114 (2), 169-191
E Bilancini, L Boncinelli (2013) Disclosure of information in matching markets with non-transferable utility Games and Economic Behavior 82, 143-156
Caldarelli, G. and Chessa, A. and Crimaldi, I. and Pammolli, F. (2013) Weighted Networks as Randomly Reinforced Urn Processes. Physical Review E, 87 (2). ISSN 1539-3755
Giudicati, G., Riccaboni, M.(2013) Loosely-coupled networks of knowledge production and diffusion. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 1, pp. 245-253.
Lattanzi, N. (2013) Management Science and Neuroscience Impact. Decision Making Process, Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy . p. 1 131, McGraw Hill UK , ISBN: 9780077160975
Lattanzi, N. (2013) Economia d’azienda ed espressioni reddituali. Contenuti, dimensioni di analisi e strumenti per il governo economico . p. 1 299, TORINO: G. Giappichelli Editore, ISBN: 9788834872895
Morrison, G., Giovanis, E., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2013) Border sensitive centralities in patent citation networks using asymmetric random walks. Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013, art. no. 6727241, pp. 546-552.
Foschi, R., Riccaboni, M., Schiavo, S. (2013) Missing links in multiple trade networks. Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013, art. no. 6727246, pp. 585-590.
Sgrignoli, P., Metulini, R., Schiavo, S., Riccaboni, M. (2013) The relation between global migration and trade networks. Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013, art. no. 6727242, pp. 553-560.
Giudicati, G., Riccaboni, M., Romiti, A. (2013) Experience, socialization and customer retention: Lessons from the dance floor. Marketing Letters, 24 (4), pp. 409-422.
Bee, M., Riccaboni, M., Schiavo, S. (2013) The size distribution of US cities: Not Pareto, even in the tail. Economics Letters, 120 (2), pp. 232-237.
Delpini, D., Battiston, S., Riccaboni, M., Gabbi, G., Pammolli, F., Caldarelli, G. (2013) Evolution of controllability in interbank networks. Scientific Reports, 3, art. no. 1626.
Chessa, A., Morescalchi, A., Pammolli, F., Penner, O., Petersen, A.M., Riccaboni, M. (2013) Is Europe evolving toward an integrated research area? Science, 339 (6120), pp. 650-651.
Riccaboni, M., Rossi, A., Schiavo, S. (2013) Global networks of trade and bits. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 8 (1), pp. 33-56.
Glowinski, D., Gnecco, G., Piana, S., Camurri, A. (2013) Expressive non-verbal interaction in string quartet. Proceedings - 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2013, art. no. 6681436, pp. 233-238.
Degiorgis, M., Gnecco, G., Gorni, S., Roth, G., Sanguineti, M., Taramasso, A.C. (2013) Flood hazard assessment via threshold binary classifiers: Case study of the tanaro river basin. Irrigation and Drainage, 62 (S2), pp. 1-10.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Melacci, S., Sanguineti, M. (2013) Learning with hard constraints. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8131 LNCS, pp. 146-153.
Gnecco, G., Badino, L., Camurri, A., D'Ausilio, A., Fadiga, L., Glowinski, D., Sanguineti, M., Varni, G., Volpe, G. (2013) Towards Automated Analysis of Joint Music Performance in the Orchestra. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 116, pp. 120-127.
Gnecco, G., Gori, M., Sanguineti, M. (2013) Learning with boundary conditions. Neural Computation, 25 (4), pp. 1029-1106.
Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Sanguineti, M. (2013) Optimality conditions for coordinate-convex policies in CAC with nonlinear feasibility boundaries. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 21 (5), art. no. 6353240, pp. 1363-1377.
Gaggero, M., Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2013) Dynamic Programming and Value-Function Approximation in Sequential Decision Problems: Error Analysis and Numerical Results. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 156 (2), pp. 380-416.
Altomonte, C. and Di Mauro, F. and Ottaviano, G. and Rungi, A. and Vicard V. (2013) Global value chains during the Great Trade collapse: a bullwhip effect. In: Firms in the international economy : firm heterogeneity meets international business. CESifo Seminar Series . MIT Press, pp. 277-308.
Belmonte A. and Pennisi A. (2013) Territorial impact of education sector reforms on the demand for teachers. Scienze Regionali, 1: 87-128.
Roberto Leombruni, Tiziano Razzolini, Serti F. (2013) The pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs of job displacement — The risky job of being back to work. European Economic Review, vol. 61, p. 205-216
E. Bilancini, and M. D’Antoni (2012) The desirability of pay-as-you-go pensions when relative consumption matters and returns are stochastic Economics Letters 117 (2), 418-422
E. Bilancini, and L. Boncinelli (2012) Redistribution and the notion of social status Journal of Public Economics 96 (9), 651-657
E. Bilancini, and S. D’Alessandro (2012) Long run Welfare under Externalities in Consumption, Leisure, and Production: A Case for Happy De-Growth vs. Unhappy Growth Ecological Economics 84, 194-205
Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M., Magazzini, L. (2012) The sustainability of European health care systems: Beyond income and aging. European Journal of Health Economics, 13 (5), pp. 623-634.
Petersen, A.M., Riccaboni, M., Stanley, H.E., Pammolli, F. (2012) Persistence and uncertainty in the academic career. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (14), pp. 5213-5218.
Magazzini, L., Pammolli, F., Riccaboni, M. (2012) Learning from failures or failing to learn? Lessons from pharmaceutical R&D. European Management Review, 9 (1), pp. 45-58.
Rungi, Armando (2012) The ‘Invisible Role’ of Business Groups is made Evident. Review of Environment, Energy and Economics. pp. 1-5.
Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Sanguineti, M. (2012) An application to two-hop forwarding of a model of buffer occupancy in ICNs. Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2012, art. no. 6384188, pp. 491-496.
Gaggero, M., Gnecco, G., Parisini, T., Sanguineti, M., Zoppoli, R. (2012) Approximation structures with moderate complexity in functional optimization and dynamic programming. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, art. no. 6426656, pp. 1902-1908.
Degiorgis, M., Gnecco, G., Gorni, S., Roth, G., Sanguineti, M., Taramasso, A.C. (2012) Classifiers for the detection of flood-prone areas using remote sensed elevation data. Journal of Hydrology, 470-471, pp. 302-315.
Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M. (2012) New insights into Witsenhausen's counterexample. Optimization Letters, 6 (7), pp. 1425-1446.
Gnecco, G., Sanguineti, M., Gaggero, M. (2012) Suboptimal solutions to team optimization problems with stochastic information structure. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 22 (1), pp. 212-243.
Cello, M., Gnecco, G., Marchese, M., Sanguineti, M. (2012) A model of buffer occupancy for ICNs. IEEE Communications Letters, 16 (6), art. no. 6189815, pp. 862-865.
Gnecco, G., Kůrková, V., Sanguineti, M. (2012) Accuracy of approximations of solutions to Fredholm equations by kernel methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (14), pp. 7481-7497.
Gnecco, G. (2012) A comparison between fixed-basis and variable-basis schemes for function approximation and functional optimization. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, art. no. 806945.
Lattanzi, N. (2012) Azienda, uomo e neuroscienze. Processi decisionali e pensiero strategico . p. 196, MILANO: McGraw Hill Italia, ISBN: 9788838690921
Lattanzi, N. Vitali, G. (2012) L'imprenditorialità nell'azienda lapidea. Rilevanza e caratteri delle radici territoriali nelle strategie competitive . p. 5 123, MILANO: Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788820416355
Lattanzi, N. (2012 Il patrimonio della famiglia tra Family Business e Family Office. In: Luca Del bene, Nicola Lattanzi; Giovanni Liberatore (a cura di). Aziende famigliari e longevità economica. Modalità di analisi e strumenti operativi. p. 341 361, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 9788821740909
Lattanzi, N., Rota, G., Pietrini, P. (2012) Continuità nel pensiero strategico e longevità economica. In: (a cura di): Luca Del bene, Nicola Lattanzi, Giovanni Liberatore, Aziende famigliari e longevità economica. Modalità di analisi e strumenti operativi. p. 143 169, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 9788821740909
Lattanzi, N, Morelli, A. (2012) I modelli concettuali e le condizioni di funzionamento delle aziende famigliari. In: (a cura di): Luca del Bene, Nicola Lattanzi, Giovanni Liberatore, Aziende famigliari e longevità economica. Modalità di analisi e strumenti operativi . p. 28 55, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 9788821740909
Del Bene, L., Lattanzi, N. Liberatore, G. (2012) Aziende famigliari e longevità economica. Modalità di analisi e strumenti operativi. p. 1-362, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 9788821740 909