Agrimi, Battaglini, Bottari, Gnecco, Leporini (2024) “Game accessibility for visually impaired people: a review” Soft Computing 28 (17), 10475-10489
Albertazzi, Ploner, Vaccari (2024) “Welfare and competition in expert advice markets” Economics Letters 243, 111936
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Bakaki, Böhmelt, V Bove “Attitudes Toward Migration and Associational Activity: Evidence From Germany” Political Studies Review 22 (1), 77-92
Balzano, Ciacci, Marzi (2024) “Digital business models: an evolutionary perspective on how digital technologies shape ecosystems” Digital Entrepreneurship in Science, Technology and Innovation: Challenges 66-90
Balzano, Marzi (2024) “Osmice at the crossroads: the dialectical interplay of tradition, modernity and cultural identity in family businesses” Journal of Management History, 1-21
Bassetti, Dal Maso, Pieroni (2024) “Firms’ borrowing costs and neighbors’ flood risk” Small Business Economics, 1-17
Biancalani, Gnecco, Metulini, Riccaboni (2024) “Prediction of annual CO2 emissions at the country and sector levels, based on a matrix completion optimization problem” Optimization Letters 18 (9), 2203-2219
Biancalani, Gnecco, Metulini, Riccaboni (2024)“The impact of the European Union emissions trading system on carbon dioxide emissions: a matrix completion analysis” Scientific Reports 14 (1), 19676
Biancalani, Gnecco, Signori, Vismara (2024) “Financing decisions following negative shocks in the product market: A matrix-completion study of the US pharmaceutical industry”
Bilancini, Boncinelli, Marcos-Prieto (2024) “Conflict initiation function shapes the evolution of persistent outcomes in group conflict” European Economic Review 161, 104648
Bilancini, Boncinelli, Nardi, Pizziol (2024) “Cooperation is unaffected by the threat of severe adverse events in Public Goods Games” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 108, 102145
Bilancini, Boncinelli, Tampieri (2024) “Strategy assortativity and the evolution of parochialism” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 227, 106692
Bilancini, Boncinelli, Vicario (2024) “Memory retrieval in the demand game with a few possible splits: Unfair conventions emerge in fair settings” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 104899
Blazquiz-Pulido, Polonio, Bilancini (2024) “Who's the deceiver? Identifying deceptive intentions in communication” Games and Economic Behavior 145, 451-466
Bove, Di Salvatore, Elia, R Nisticò (2024) “Mothers at peace: International peacebuilding and post-conflict fertility” Journal of Development Economics 167, 103226
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Bove, Efthyvoulou, Pickard (2024) “Are the effects of terrorism short-lived?” British Journal of Political Science 54 (2), 536-545
Buyukyazici, Mazzoni, Riccaboni, Serti (2024) Workplace skills as regional capabilities: relatedness, complexity and industrial diversification of regions Regional Studies 58 (3), 469-489
Buyukyazici, Serti (2024) “Innovation attitudes and religiosity” Research Policy 53 (7), 105051
Cantarella, Fraccaroli, Volpe (2024) “Does language prevent policy take-up? Evidence from the Italian Start-up Act” Research Policy 53 (6), 105004
Cantarella, Kavonius (2024)“Job polarisation and household borrowing” The Journal of Economic Inequality, 1-22
Cantarella, Neri, Ranalli (2024) “Estimating the distribution of household wealth: methods for adjusting survey data estimates using national accounts and rich list data” Review of Income and Wealth 70 (3), 551-580
Capraro, Lentsch, Acemoglu, Akgun, Akhmedova, Bilancini, ... et al. (2024) “The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making” PNAS nexus 3 (6)
Ciacci, Balzano, Marzi (2024) “Optimising business models through digital alignment and strategic flexibility: Evidence from the manufacturing industry”, Journal of Management & Organization, 1-21
Dabić, Posinkovic, Maley, Vlacic, Marzi, Kraus (2024) “Exploring the Multifaceted Challenges of Women in Engineering: A Comprehensive Literature Review” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Di Paolo, Bisanti, Chiarello, Di Guida, Pizziol (2024) “Games-based learning for social change” Frontiers in Education 9, 1403695
Dorgali, Guetto, Tocchioni, Dominici, Vignoli (2024) “Non-intact Families and Children's Vaccination Coverage: Evidence from Italy”, Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, 617-622
Exadaktylos, Ghodsi, Rungi (2024) “What do firms gain from patenting? The case of the global ICT industry” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 208, 123741
Exadaktylos, Riccaboni, Rungi (2024) “Talents from abroad. Foreign managers and productivity in the United Kingdom” International Economics 177, 100474
Fabbro, Kyrdoda, Dore, Marzi, Borruso, Battino, Piani et al. (2024) “Is entrepreneurship a key factor in the development of European countries? A proposal for an innovation readiness environment (IRE) index” Open Research Europe 4 (12), 1-27
Gnecco, Camurri, Gasparotti, Ceccaldi, Volpe, Bardy, et al. (2024) “Measuring Cues of Leadership, Cohesion, and Fluidity in Joint Full‐Body Movement to Support Embodied Interaction Design: A Pilot Study” Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2024 (1), 1636854
Gnecco, Landi, Riccaboni (2024) “The emergence of social soft skill needs in the post COVID-19 era” Quality & Quantity 58 (1), 647-680
Gregnanin, Zhang, De Smedt, Gnecco, Parton (2024) “Signature-based portfolio allocation: a network approach” Applied Network Science 9 (1), 54
Guidi, Mastrandrea, Facchini, Squartini, Kennedy (2024) “Tracing two decades of carbon emissions using a network approach” Scientific Reports 14 (1), 7251.
Hidalgo, Riccaboni, Velázquez (2024) “The effect of short‐term rentals on local consumption amenities: Evidence from Madrid” Journal of Regional Science
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 219, 74-10
Li, Micheli, Wang, Pan, Lió, Gnecco, Sanguineti (2024) “Guest editorial: deep neural networks for graphs: theory, models, algorithms, and applications” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 35 (4), 4367-4372
Marini, Demichelis, Menicagli, Mancini, Panizza, Bilancini, ... et al. (2024) “I want to be safe: understanding the main drivers behind vaccination choice throughout the pandemic” BMC Public Health 24 (1), 1111
Marino, Melillo, Parrotta, Smith (2024) “What makes entrepreneurship counter-cyclical? Evidence from a shutdown of start-up subsidies in Denmark” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 1-25
Marino, Parrotta, Sala, Valletta (2024) “The Volkswagen emissions scandal: Exploring the role of environmental concern and social norms” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 103019
Marzi, Balzano, Marchiori (2024) “K-Alpha Calculator —Krippendorff's Alpha Calculator: A User-Friendly Tool for Computing Krippendorff's Alpha Inter-Rater Reliability Coefficient” MethodsX 12, 102545
Mastrandrea, Burg, Shan, Hubacek, Ruzzenenti (2024) “Assessments of the environmental performance of global companies need to account for company size” Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 42
Matthiopoulou, Gnecco, Sanguineti, Mottet, Bardy, Camurri (2024) “Towards the automated analysis of expressive gesture qualities in full-body movement: the perceived origin of movement” Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 14 (54)
Mazzoni, Pinelli, Riccaboni (2024) “Measuring corporate digital divide through websites: insights from Italian firms” EPJ data science 13 (1), 51
Paolicelli, Borriello, Clerici, Colombo, Croce, D’Amico, ... et al. (2024) “Predicted Expenditure for Prescription Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis in the Italian Market Between 2023 and 2028: Results of the Oracle Project” Neurology and Therapy 13 (5), 1415-1430
Perazzini, Gnecco, Pammolli (2024) “A public–private insurance model for disaster risk management: an application to Italy” Italian Economic Journal 10 (1), 225-267
Perazzini, Gnecco, Pammolli (2024) “A catastrophe model approach for flood risk assessment of Italian municipalities” Annals of Operations Research, 1-22
Pieroni, Lattanzi, Riccaboni (2024) “The dynamic impact of inter-firm network agreements” Small Business Economics 63 (3), 939-969
Saggese, Segalla, Sigmund, Raunig, Zangerl, Haslhofer (2024) “Assessing the solvency of virtual asset service providers: are current standards sufficient?” Applied Economics, 1-16
Tortù, Crimaldi, Mealli, Forastiere (2024) “Estimating causal effects of multi-valued treatments accounting for network interference: immigration policies and crime rates” Sociological Methods and Research, 53(4), 1794-1828
van der Duin, Trott, Marzi (2024) “Tomorrow is already here: Exploring how corporate foresight can contribute to ambidexterity” Strategic Change 33 (3), 187-200
Exadaktylos D., Riccaboni M. & Rungi A. (2023). Talents from Abroad. Foreign managers and productivity in the United Kingdom, International Economics, vol. 177, 100474.
Incerti, F., Bargagli-Stoffi, F. J., & Riccaboni, M. (2023). A Two-Country Study of Default Risk Prediction Using Bayesian Machine-Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (pp. 188-192).
Bellucci C. & Rungi A. (2023). Navigating Uncertainty: Multinationals’ Investment Strategies after the Pandemic Shock, Italian Economic Journal, vol. 9 pages 967–996, in the Special Issue 'The Future of Global Value Chains and International Trade: An EU perspective'.
Micocci F. & Rungi A. (2023). Predicting exporters with machine learning, World Trade Review, vol. 22(5) pages 584-607 (2023).
Bargagli Stoffi, F. J., Incerti, F., Riccaboni, M., & Rungi, A. (2023). Machine learning for zombie hunting: predicting distress from firms’ accounts and missing values. Industrial and Corporate Change.
Rungi, A., Fattorini, L., & Huremovic, K. (2023). Measuring the input rank in global supply networks. The World Economy, 46(10), 3081-3115.
Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Agile Approaches in NPD Teams: Exploring Team Learning from Project Failures and Successes. IPDMC Conference.
Marzi, G., & Rialti, R. (2023). Agile Beyond Software for Innovation. IPDMC Conference.
Saggese, P., Belmonte, A., Dimitri, N., Facchini, A., & Bohme, R. (2023). Arbitrageurs in the Bitcoin ecosystem: Evidence from user-level trading patterns in the Mt. Gox exchange platform. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 213, 251-270.
Bilancini, E., Boncinelli, L., & Vicario, E. (2023). Assortativity in cognition. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3412.
Marzi, G., Marrucci, A., Vianelli, D., & Ciappei, C. (2023). B2B digital platform adoption by SMEs and large firms: Pathways and pitfalls. Industrial Marketing Management, 114, 80-93.
Marzi, G., Balzano, M., Egidi, L., & Magrini, A. (2023). CLC Estimator: a tool for latent construct estimation via congeneric approaches in survey research. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 58(6), 1160-1164.
Masti, D., Fabiani, F., Gnecco, G., & Bemporad, A. (2023). Counter-Example Guided Inductive Synthesis of Control Lyapunov Functions for Uncertain Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Cultivating Connections Beyond the Borders: A Cultural and Historical Exploration of Osmiza/Osmica. Online Reputation Management in Tourism and Hospitality Conference.
Kyrdoda, Y., Marzi, G., Dabić, M., & Daim, T. U. (2023). Cybersecurity Technology: An Analysis of the Topic from 2011 to 2021. Cybersecurity (pp. 23-38).
Bilancini, E., Boncinelli, L., Guarnieri, P., & Spadoni, L. (2023). Delaying and motivating decisions in the (Bully) dictator game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107, 102106.
Ciacci, A., Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Digital alignment and strategic flexibility in shaping business model efficiency: Evidence from SMEs in the manufacturing industry. EURAM Annual Conference 2023.
Balzano, M., Ciacci, A., Marzi, G., Jovanovic, M., Vlacic, B., & Dabic, M. (2023). Disentangling the Digital Strategy Landscape: An Integrative Literature Review on Digital Business Models. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 14900).
Marzi, G., Fakhar Manesh, M., Caputo, A., Pellegrini, M. M., & Vlačić, B. (2023). Do or do not. Cognitive configurations affecting Open Innovation adoption in SMEs. Technovation, 119, 102585.
Cantarella, M., Fraccaroli, N, & Volpe, R. (2023). Does fake news affect voting behaviour? Research Policy, 52(1), 104628.
Muscillo, A., Pin, P., Razzolini, T., & Serti, F. (2023). Does “network closure” beef up firms’ performance?. Social Networks, 73, 89-103.
Ciacci, A., Balzano, M., Marzi, G., & Marrucci, A. (2023). Enhancing Business Model Efficiency through Digital Alignment and Strategic flexibility: Evidence from Italy. R&D Management Conference 2023.
Bellandi, T., Albolino, S., & Bilancini, E. (2023). Ergonomics and Nudging. Congress of the Italian Society of Ergonomics and Human Factors (pp. 1-9).
Cantarella, M., Neri, A., & Ranalli, M. G. (2023). Estimating the distribution of household wealth: methods for adjusting survey data estimates using national accounts and rich list data. Review of Income and Wealth.
Pegan, G., Ranfagni, S., Marzi, G., & De Luca, P. (2023). Ethical app adoption among Gen Y and Z: extending the UTAUT2 model with green values, religiosity, and ethical-minded consumer behaviors. EMAC Annual Conference 2023 (pp. 1-6).
Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Exploring the pathways of learning from project failure and success in new product development teams. Technovation, 128, 102878.
Amato, S., Patuelli, A., Basco, R., & Lattanzi, N. (2023). Family Firms Amidst the Global Financial Crisis: A Territorial Embeddedness Perspective on Downsizing. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(1), 213-236.
Bilancini, E., Boncinelli, L., & Di Paolo, R. (2023). Game-based education promotes practices supporting sustainable water use. Ecological Economics, 208, 107801.
Di Paolo, R., & Pizziol, V. (2023). Gamification and Sustainable Water Use: The Case of the BLUTUBE Educational Program. Simulation & Gaming, 10468781231181652.
Dal Maso, L., Gianfagna, L., Maglione, F., & Lattanzi, N. (2023). Going green: Environmental risk management, market value and performance. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(1), 122-132.
Mastrandrea, R., Cecchetti, L., Lettieri, G., Handjaras, G., Leo, A., Papale, P., Gili, T., Martini, N., Latta, D., Chiappino, D., Pietrini, P., & Ricciardi, E. (2023). Information load dynamically modulates functional brain connectivity during narrative listening. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8110.
Muscillo, A., Pin, P., Razzolini, T., & Serti, F. (2023). Insumos Importados, rendimiento de empresa y características de las cadenas de suministro. Resúmenes de la VI Jornada de Investigación en Internacionalización (pp. 69-77).
Aletti, G., Crimaldi, I., & Ghiglietti, A. (2023). Interacting innovation processes. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 17187.
Crimaldi, I., Louis, P., & Minelli, I. (2023). Interacting non-linear reinforced stochastic processes: synchronization or non-synchronization. Advances in Applied Probability, 55(1), 275-320.
Trabucchi, D., Patrucco, A. S., Buganza, T., & Marzi, G. (2023). Is transparency the new green? How business model transparency influences digital service adoption. Technovation, 126, 102803.
Kyrdoda, Y., Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Learn to survive crises: The role of firm resilience, innovation capabilities and environmental dynamism. Technology in Society, 74, 102285.
Blanos, R., Beneventi, N., Bisanti, M., D'Alessandro, M., Di Paolo, R., Manna, D., Massolino, G., Peratoner, L., & Petrera, F. (2023). Let Them Dive into Ocean Science: The Role of Research Institutions in Public Engagement. Development, 66(1), 127-131.
Panizza, F., Ronzani, P., Martini, C., Mattavelli, S., & Morisseau, T. (2023). Listening to Crowdsourced Fact-Checking.
Annosi, M. C., Balzano, M., Ciacci, A., Marzi, G., & Terlouw, J. (2023). Managing Generational Tensions Toward Digital Transformation: A Microfoundational Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Biancalani, F., Gnecco, G., Metulini, R., & Riccaboni, M. (2023). Matrix Completion for the Prediction of Yearly Country and Industry-Level CO_2 Emissions. International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (pp. 14-19)
Gnecco, G., Nutarelli, F., & Riccaboni, M. (2023). Matrix completion of world trade: an analysis of interpretability through Shapley values. The World Economy, 46(9), 2707-2731.
Metulini, R., & Gnecco, G. (2023). Measuring players' importance in basketball using the generalized Shapley value. Annals of Operations Research, 325(1), 441-465.
Bilancini, E., Boncinelli, L., & Spadoni, L. (2023). Motivating risky choices increases risk taking. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.
Fantoni, F., Bacigalupo, A., Gnecco, G., & Gambarotta, L. (2023). Multi-objective optimal design of mechanical metafilters based on principal component analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 248, 108195.
Catola, M., D'Alessandro, S., Guarnieri, P., & Pizziol, V. (2023). Multilevel public goods game: Levelling up, substitution and crowding-in effects. Journal of Economic Psychology, 97, 102626.
Mastrogiorgio, A., & Lattanzi, N. Opaque decision-making in organizations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(5), 1243-1256.
Pizziol, V., Demaj, X., Di Paolo, R., & Capraro, V. (2023). Political ideology and generosity around the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(15), e2219676120.
Byrne, S. A., Reynolds, A. P. F., Biliotti, C., Bargagli-Stoffi, F. J., Polonio, L., & Riccaboni, M. (2023). Predicting choice behaviour in economic games using gaze data encoded as scanpath images. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4722.
Huremovic, K., Jiménez, G., Moral-Benito, E., Luis Peydró, J., & Vega-Redondo, F. (2023). Production and Financial Networks in Interplay: Crisis Evidence from Supplier-Customer and Credit Registers. BSE Working paper.
Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., Marrucci, A., Marzi, G., & Rialti, R. (2023). Shaping Future Collaborative Innovation Processes: Exploring the Roles of 4.0 Technologies and Organizational Culture. R&D Management Conference 2023.
Capraro, V., Di Paolo, R. et al. (2023). Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific data, 10(1), 272.
Crimaldi, I., Louis, P., & Minelli, I. G. (2023). Statistical test for an urn model with random multidrawing and random addition. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 158, 342-360.
Gnecco, G., Landi, S., & Riccaboni, M. (2023). The emergence of social soft skill needs in the post COVID-19 era. Quality & Quantity, 58(1), 647-680.
Kitzler, S., Balietti, S., Saggese, P., Haslhofer, B., & Strohmaier, M. (2023). The Governance of Distributed Autonomous Organizations: A Study of Contributors' Influence, Networks, and Shifts in Voting Power. Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 28th International Conference.
Chiarello, F., Fioretti, D., Antognozzi, T., Bertani, F. R., Bilancini, E., Bisanti, M., Boncinelli, L., Businaro, L., Di Paolo, R., Gerardino, A., & Iurescia, S. (2023). The Language of Life: A Game-Based Workshop for Introducing Protein Biosynthesis. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Game-Based Learning.
Biancalani, F., Gnecco, G., & Metulini, R. (2023). The relationship between players’ average marginal contributions and salaries: an application to NBA basketball using the generalized Shapley value. Statistica Applicata, 1-29.
Patrucco, A. S., Marzi, G., & Trabucchi, D. (2023). The role of absorptive capacity and big data analytics in strategic purchasing and supply chain management decisions. Technovation, 126, 102814.
Balzano, M., Ciacci, A., & Marzi, G. (2023). The Role of Digital Alignment and Strategic Flexibility in Shaping Business Model Efficiency. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 14843).
Balzano, M., & Marzi, G. (2023). Unraveling the Factors Influencing Team Learning in New Product Development: Lessons from Failure and Success. R&D Management Conference 2023
Hidalgo, A., Riccaboni, M., & Velazquez, F. J. When local business faded away: the uneven impact of Airbnb on the geography of economic activities. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 16(2), 335-348.
Buyukyazici, D., Mazzoni, L., Riccaboni, M., & Serti, F. (2023). Workplace Skills as Regional Capabilities: Relatedness, Complexity and Industrial Diversification of Regions. Regional Studies, 58(3), 469-489.
Pegan, G., Ranfagni, S., Marzi, G., & De Luca, P. (2023). Young consumer intention to use mobile ethical applications in consumption choices: an extension of the UTAUT2 model. XX Annual SIM Conference.
Kelchtermans, S., Leten, B., Rabijns, M., & Riccaboni, M. (2022). Do licensors learn from out-licensing? Empirical evidence from the pharmaceutical industry. Technovation, 112, 102405.
Jommi, C., Apolone, G., Scroccaro, G., Acciai, V., Addis, A., Ardizzoni, A., ... & Popoli, P. (2022). Drugs price and reimbursement regulation: comparators, endpoints and role of the cost-effectiveness. Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment, 9(1), 99-104.
Riccaboni, M., Swoboda, T., & Van Dyck, W. (2022). Pharmaceutical net price transparency across european markets: Insights from a multi-agent simulation model. Health Policy, 126(6), 534-540.
Longo, L., Riccaboni, M., & Rungi, A. (2022). A neural network ensemble approach for GDP forecasting. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 134, 104278.
Niederreiter, J., & Riccaboni, M. (2022). The impact of product innovation announcements on firm value: evidence from the bio-pharmaceutical industry. Industry and Innovation, 29(1), 25-52.
Costa, E., Cappellini, M. D., Rivella, S., Chilin, A., Alessi, E., Riccaboni, M., ... & Luzzatto, L. (2022). Emergent treatments for β-thalassemia and orphan drug legislations. Drug Discovery Today, 103342.
Zaninotto, F., Bossi, F., Terry, P., Riccaboni, M., & Galli, G. (2022). The evolution of psychological and behavioral consequences of self-isolation during lockdown: a longitudinal study across United Kingdom and Italy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Li, X., Verginer, L., Riccaboni, M., & Panzarasa, P. (2022). A network approach to expertise retrieval based on path similarity and credit allocation. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 17(2), 501-533.
Riccaboni, M., & Verginer, L. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientific research in the life sciences. PLoS One, 17(2), e0263001.
Bacigalupo, A., De Bellis, M. L., Gnecco, G., & Nutarelli, F. (2022). On dispersion curve coloring for mechanical metafilters. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20019.
Gnecco, G., Hadas, Y., & Sanguineti, M. (2022). A game-theoretic approach for reliability evaluation of public transportation transfers with stochastic features. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 11, 100090.
Perazzini, S., Gnecco, G., & Pammolli, F. (2022). A Public–Private Insurance Model for Disaster Risk Management: An Application to Italy. Italian Economic Journal, 1-43.
Gnecco, G., Landi, S., & Riccaboni, M. (2022). Can Machines Learn Creativity Needs? An Approach Based on Matrix Completion. Italian Economic Journal, 1-41.
Bargagli Stoffi, F. J., Cevolani, G., & Gnecco, G. (2022). Simple Models in Complex Worlds: Occam’s Razor and Statistical Learning Theory. Minds and Machines, 32(1), 13-42.
Gnecco, G., Nutarelli, F., & Riccaboni, M. (2022). A machine learning approach to economic complexity based on matrix completion. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 9639.
Metulini, R., Gnecco, G., Biancalani, F., & Riccaboni, M. (2022). Hierarchical clustering and matrix completion for the reconstruction of world input–output tables. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 1-46.
Metulini, R., & Gnecco, G. (2022). Measuring players’ importance in basketball using the generalized Shapley value. Annals of Operations Research, 1-25.
Bargagli-Stoffi, F. J., De Witte, K., & Gnecco, G. (2022). Heterogeneous causal effects with imperfect compliance: a Bayesian machine learning approach. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 16(3), 1986-2009.
Marzi, G. (2022). Uncertainty-driven Innovation. Springer Books.
Marzi, G., Fakhar Manesh, M., Caputo, A., Pellegrini, M., & Vlacic, B. (2022). The Human Side of Open Innovation Adoption in SMEs: A Configurational Approach. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 13138). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Marzi, G. (2022). On the Nature of Over Featuring in the New Product Development Process. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 14350). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Marzi, G., Anna, M., Donata, V., & Cristiano, C. (2022). Multi-sided Platforms Adoption in Manufacturing Companies Supply Process: a Configurational Approach. In Symplatform 3 Conference. Polytechnic University of Milan.
Marzi, G., Marrucci, A., Vianelli, D., & Ciappei, C. (2022). Multi-sided Platform Adoption: Evidences from Manufacturing Companies. In Sinergie-SIMA 2022 Conference (pp. 1-7). Sinergie-SIMA.
Anna, M., Marzi, G., Cristiano, C., & Vianelli, D. (2022). Consumer-based Triggers or Organizational Green Culture? Exploring Company’s adoption of Multi-sided Platforms as a Retail strategy. In Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (pp. 1-17). RARCS.
Marzi, G. (2022). On the nature, origins and outcomes of Over Featuring in the new product development process. Journal of engineering and technology management, 64, 101685.
Turzo, T., Marzi, G., Favino, C., & Terzani, S. (2022). Non-financial reporting research and practice: Lessons from the last decade. Journal of Cleaner Production, 131154.
Annosi, M. C., Martini, A., Marzi, G., Vignoli, M., & Parra, H. (2022). How to organize for open innovation from the ground up: a microfoundations approach in a foodservice firm. British Food Journal, 124(13), 391-408.
Dabic, M., Hjortsø, C. N., Marzi, G., & Vlačić, B. (2022). Guest editorial: Open innovation in the food industry: what we know, what we don’t know, what we need to know. British Food Journal, 124(6), 1777-1785.
Bianchi, M., Marzi, G., & Dabić, M. (2022). Guest Editorial: Agile Beyond Software—In Search of Flexibility in a Wide Range of Innovation Projects and Industries. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6), 3454-3458.
Crimaldi, I., Louis, P. Y., & Minelli, I. G. (2023). Statistical test for an urn model with random multidrawing and random addition. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 158, 342-360.
Crimaldi, I., Louis, P. Y., & Minelli, I. G. (2023). Interacting nonlinear reinforced stochastic processes: Synchronization or non-synchronization. Advances in Applied Probability, 55(1), 275-320.
Aletti, G., & Crimaldi, I. (2022). Generalized Rescaled Pólya urn and its statistical application. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1), 1635-1680.
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